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Drone Operations Fly Out Of The Industry Development “Acceleration”

Currently, it is the key time for crop field management. Into the Longling County Longjiang Township rice demonstration base, only to see the blue sky and turquoise fields, a drone take off in the air, atomized fertilizer from the air evenly sprinkled to the field, the smooth and orderly implementation of the rice flying fertilizer task.


According to the person in charge of the workstation, Longling County in 2024 will be divided into two times in Longjiang 3000 acres of rice demonstration base on the fly fertilizer operations, the first time per acre fly amino acids 40 ml + zinc-silicon suspension 80 ml, for the promotion of tillering; the second time per acre fly humic acid 40 ml + potassium dihydrogen phosphate 80 ml, mainly to promote the fullness of the seed.


"In the past, when pesticide spraying was done manually, it could only spray more than 30 acres a day at most. Now with drone fly defense, you can spray 6 to 7 acres of sugarcane in 5 minutes, greatly saving time and cost." Sugarcane demonstration base managers said.


In recent years, Longling County, closely around the "hide food in the ground, hide food in technology" strategy, the drone flying fertilizer and fly defense as an important hand to promote green development of agriculture, vigorously promote the fertilization of new technologies, new fertilizer products and fertilization of new ways of "three new" technology demonstration, actively guiding farmers from know how to plant to benefit planting, new farmers, new quality productivity has gradually become an important engine of rural industry quality development. Actively guide farmers from the seed to benefit seed, new technology, new farmers, new quality productivity has gradually become an important engine of crop production, help rural industry high-quality development.

Up to now, Longling County has a total of 16 drones, 2024 since a total of 47,747 acres of operations, including rice flying fertilizer 3057 acres, flying medicine 3057 acres; baking tobacco flying medicine 11633 acres; sugar cane flying medicine 10000 acres; fruit flying medicine 20000 acres.

Post time: Aug-20-2024

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